Taking time to focus on the small but important things that make up a meaningful life.

Grounded in permaculture ethics & principles, we want to shift the focus from constantly wanting more, to embrace a lifestyle that is rooted, nourished, and fully awakened! 

In addition to growing our own veggies, we craft our breads, soaps, beauty products, pickles, jams, striving to produce everything we consume.

We love cooking up new recipes, exploring Ayurveda, and living life at a slower, more peaceful pace, savoring each moment along the way.

Oh, and did we mention we have a small strawberry farm? Yep, we're all about growing everything chemical-free and experimenting with a variety of delicious strawberry products.

Join us on our adventure to make the world a better, more fun place, one sustainable choice at a time!

We have left the conventional to see what else is possible!

Our consultancy services offer expert guidance and innovative solutions to empower organisations within the development sector. From business development strategies to impactful communication solutions, we are dedicated to driving positive change.

We cultivate the juiciest strawberries and fresh vegetables with care and passion. From these bountiful harvests, we craft a delightful array of assorted products, each bursting with flavor and goodness.

We invite you to join us for our farm-to-table concept, where every dish tells a story of fresh, locally-sourced ingredients and culinary expertise. So, gather your friends, and loved ones, and let's cultivate moments worth savoring and memories that will last a lifetime.

Welcome to our eclectic world of boundless creativity and purposeful endeavors!

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